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5 custody tips during Coronavirus closures

By April 6, 2020September 19th, 2024No Comments

While everyone is practicing social distancing, families are spending much more time together, in isolation. And with everything in town closed for business, we have nowhere to go and nothing to do.

It could be a nice time for family bonding. I hope it is!

But over time the added stress is likely to result in patience running thin, tempers flaring, and drama brewing. You know I am always here for you, but I truly hope you do NOT need legal work as a result of the coronavirus epidemic. Here are some tips from the Jones Law Firm to hopefully avoid needing a lawyer.

1) Think positively. A good attitude, like a virus, is infectious. If you exude calmness and happiness, your family will too.

2) Routine. Build a schedule and stick to it. This is particularly important for doing schoolwork at home. Your kids follow a schedule at school, they can at home too. You can even schedule leisure time. Plan a movie night, game night, prayer time, etc. A structured schedule with predictability will provide stability, which in turn promotes peace.

3) Teamwork. Parents must cooperate. Help each other by picking up extra chore duties, check in on each other frequently, go the extra mile to make your partner’s life easier. If you remove stress for your spouse, and they in turn reciprocate, everyone, including our children, will breathe easier.

Tag team parental duties. Spending all day with your kids should be fun, but it can be exhausting. Take turns and give each other breaks.

4) Find time for yourself. Your children need you, I know. But they need you in a right state of mind. You should make time to collect yourself. Take a walk, read a book, watch a tv show. Settle your kids into bed or an activity so you can “escape” now and then.

5) Prayer. Your church is likely closed, but that doesn’t mean God is absent. This last tip should reinforce all four of the others. Reflective prayer breeds positive feelings; daily prayer is an important routine; family prayer promotes teamwork; and all prayer develops a restful mind.

Remember, I am always here for you. The coronavirus has made unusual and troublesome times. I hope you don’t need me, but if you do we can get through it, together.

If you or someone you know is dealing with a divorce or a custody case, feel free to contact the Jones Law Firm today to schedule a free consultation. We look forward to helping your family work through these difficult times.  

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