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Proof that not all custody cases have to be a battle

By March 9, 2020September 19th, 2024No Comments

Proof that not all custody cases have to be a battle

An impromptu family photo shoot in Texas went viral after the child’s soon-to-be step-father shared a loving Facebook post about their unique family. When parents split up, it can be difficult to know what will be best for their children. But as attorney Davey Jones of Jones Law Firm says, children should always come first. 

A Family’s Unique Story

5 year-old Willow is a lucky little girl. She has a mom and two dads, but it’s not what you might think. Although her parents are separated, they remain on such good terms that her father and her mother’s fiance (now husband) did a shared photo shoot together for Willow’s daddy-daughter dance at school.

In fact, as her stepfather shared on his Facebook profile, Willow calls both of them Daddy (differentiating between “Daddy Dylan” or “Daddy David,” and sometimes “Bonus Daddy” for her stepfather).

Overcoming the Struggles 

While it wasn’t always easy to share Willow’s love, both men agree that the patience they dedicated to the arrangement was worth it. “I am extremely blessed and thankful because I would’ve never thought that this would’ve happened at the beginning of our divorce,” Willow’s mother told NBC 26 in Wisconsin

Since Willow biological father doesn’t live in the same town, when he comes to visit, he even stays with Willow and the newly-married couple. 

“We have molded ourselves into one unique family, [if] only for the sake of our children to know the power of love,” the stepfather’s post reads. He told NBC 26, “”She’s going to look back and know that she was loved then, as much [as] she’s going to be loved in the near future.”

Custody and the Importance of Prioritizing Children

Sadly, Willow’s story is not something we hear very often. On the contrary, we typically hear of custody cases as “custody battles” or “custody disputes.” 

Considered one of the best custody lawyers in the area, attorney Davey Jones believes that parenting should not change when parents split up. Instead, putting children first should always be the priority. Jones works with his clients to try to create an amicable custody agreement without going to court. 

Since each family is different with its own individual story, there are a number of custody plans that might work. But Jones is determined, in each case that he takes, to fight for the child’s best interest – hopefully, with a resolution as happy as Willow’s family’s.

Read more, directly from our clients

“Mr. Jones’s dedication to our case was second to none. He can always be counted on in a time of need, no matter the circumstances. He always remained focused on the most important detail, THE CHILDREN.” – Kevin Mock

With a decade of experience fighting to help the people of Alexandria, the Jones Law Firm prides itself on working for the best solution for all our clients. Read more of the feedback we’ve received from our clients here.

If you or someone you know is dealing with a divorce or a custody case, feel free to contact the Jones Law Firm today to schedule a free consultation. We look forward to helping your family work through these difficult times.  

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