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Auto Accident

What do I do if I’m hit by an uninsured driver?

By May 25, 2020September 19th, 2024No Comments

Estimates indicate that at least 13% of drivers in Louisiana are uninsured. The actual number of uninsured motorists could be higher, however, as this estimate is based on motorists involved in accidents who do not have coverage.

An auto accident is bad enough but being hit by an uninsured driver can make seeking compensation for property damage and injuries much more difficult. 

Before you ever find yourself in an accident, you should discuss uninsured motorist coverage with your insurance provider. All policies issued in the state of Louisiana must offer some uninsured motorist protection.

It’s important to know exactly what your coverage entails and if you can increase your coverage. If you have a long commute or transport your children frequently, increasing your coverage is a wise idea. 

After you’ve learned the ins and outs of your policy, it’s important to know what steps to take if you’re ever involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist. 

Tips for Uninsured Driver Accidents

After an accident with an uninsured driver, you will want to call the police and your insurance company as soon as possible. The investigation process after an accident is important because your insurer will need to determine who is at fault—especially if there is an uninsured motorist involved.

If possible, take photos and write down the names and phone numbers of anyone who was a witness to your accident. 

If the driver who hits you flees the scene, do your best to write down any details you can remember, including vehicle and driver descriptions. Asking witnesses for information is helpful, too. The police may be able to use intersection cameras in their investigation to identify the hit-and-run motorist. 

Seek medical attention as soon as possible even if you feel that you aren’t seriously injured. Sometimes, injuries are without symptoms for a few hours or days. 

Consulting with a lawyer is helpful, too. A personal injury attorney can help you fight your insurance company for fair compensation related to injuries and property damage. 

Suing an Uninsured Motorist

Technically, an uninsured motorist is legally responsible for damage to your property and any injuries you develop if he or she is at fault for the accident.

If you develop extensive injuries and your uninsured motorist coverage doesn’t compensate you for all your medical expenses, you can sue the uninsured motorist for damages.

If the motorist has little income or no assets, this process will likely be a waste of your time. However, if the motorist who hit you has a high-income job, owns property, or has investments, suing the driver might be a one way to receive the compensation you deserve.

When it comes to lawsuits against uninsured drivers, you want to work with an experienced personal injury attorney

Our attorney, Davey Jones has significant experience helping clients who’ve suffered in auto and truck accidents seek fair compensation for their injuries.

The Jones Law Firm treats its clients with dignity and compassion.

Call us today at (318) 442-1515 to schedule a complimentary consultation. 

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